Protein Complex Contact Prediction

RaptorX-ComplexContact is a web server that predicts the interfacial contacts between two potentially interacting protein sequences (heterodimer only) using co-evolution and deep learning techniques. It applies an ultra-deep learning model trained from single-chain proteins to predict contacts for a pair of proteins. Our deep learning method greatly outperforms the latest co-evolution methods by learning contact occurrence patterns from solved protein structures. Our intra-chain contact prediction method RaptorX-Contact was ranked 1st in contact prediction in the worldwide protein structure prediction (CASP) competition round XII. See here for a ranking list published by the CASP12 official assessors.

Job Identification (result example)
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(notes and format)




Current server load
11703 jobs pending
0 jobs done in the last 24 hours
0 jobs done in the last 30 days

#server users: 93178
#processed jobs: 699740

Job policy
To maximize the utility of the server to the community at large the following limits on job submission for each user are enforced.
  • Please submit up to 20 protein sequences (in the FASTA format) in a batch for prediction. If your email box cannot receive a large attachment file, please submit a SMALL number of sequences in a batch. Otherwise the result package may be too big to be received.
  • Please SAVE the assigned JobID for retrieval of job results, especially when an email address is not provided in submission.
  • Each user can have no more than 500 sequences pending prediction at any time.
  • Should you have a special project that requires more resources, please contact us to inquire further.